Why an investor prefers Bank Fixed Deposit over Debt
Mutual Fund – it is assurance of fixed return which can not be guaranteed in Debt
Mutual Fund . Its also the safety of capital which again in not guaranteed as Debt
Mutual Fund is market linked .
So what adds confidence to investors – Assurance
( clearly stated ) or Fixed return or safety of capital or all ?
Assurance from a credible issuer has value (i.e
bank Fixed Deposit and good rated Company ) . Assurance from lesser rated debt Fixed
Deposit is hardly preferred so assurance is linked with quality of issuer .
Safety of capital is again linked with the
credibility of the entity whose Fixed Deposit purchased i.e good rating ones .
Banks are considered to be most credible .
Fixed return is a percentage return in numbers (
e.g 8% )conveyed while investing but when redeemed does the investor gets in hand the same return what he was expecting
? In notional terms yes but in real terms , no. He gets a net return which is lesser
than gross return ( what has been communicated ) due to inflation and taxation
. so if inflation is 5% the net return reduces to 3% . Further you have to pay
tax as per your tax bracket on gross and not on net after adjustment of
inflation . So net final return will be further less and can be even negative .
is important – what is told or what you get in actual ?
If one get in actual ( in hand ) lesser than
what assured can this be called assured in real sense .
So now we need to evaluate Debt Mutual Fund on
these 3 perspective – Clearly stated ( assured ) , safety of capital i.e will
get back principal and fixed return what has been clearly stated .
In Fixed Deposit you are a lender . Its the
borrower ( Bank OR Cos ) which decide what return you will get and you have to
choose from whatever offered .
In Debt market the return is decided by borrower
. Govt of India being the biggest borrower sets the lending and borrowing rate
pattern in the economy through RBI through RBI by repo and reverse repo rate. No
entities in the organised market can lend the money at a lesser rate than repo
rate .
Lending rate of Bank > Deposit rate in bank Fixed Deposit ( of same
maturity ). Obvious reason is banks should have some margin for operation and
profitability . Also if it is the other way round there it will create an
arbitrage opportunity for investor i.e borrow at cheap rate from bank and
invest in the same bank at higher rate and gain . Yes there are arbitrage opportunity but one
has to risk his capital in lower rated company or exposure in interest rate
derivatives .
in Debt MF you are a not a lender but a
proportionate owner in the fund as per your investment which is denoted by nos
of units you hold .
Its obvious that as an owner you will always
like the best possible return along with safety of capital as well .
Lets analyse safety of Capital first . As
communicated earlier it has to do with creditability of borrower . In Debt
Mutual Fund after doing a thorough research the best of companies in terms of
profitability , safety are filtered and then money is invested in some of those
good companies / issuers debt instruments . So research ensures you quality ( safety ) and
diversification ensures not exposing your money to one or few companies but
more ( additional safety )
Fixed Return – If bank has lent money to
Corporates etc it will get interest on regular basis . If money invested by Debt
Mutual Fund in good debt securities will the fund also not get interest? It
will also earn interest . Further here money is not invested in one particular
yield i.e money is invested in Debt securities of different rating ( AAA, AA+,
AA, AA- ...) and also debt securities of
different term to maturities ( few month to few year ) . Combining these two
aspects the fund strives for a higher but safe return .
If in a Debt Mutual Fund there is no assurance
on return but that does not mean an investor should doubt on safety . Safety is
assured from the quality of company and its profitability which is well taken
care . Non assurance of return in any mutual fund product is because investment
is done in marketable securities ( i.e those securities which are bought and
sold ) where prices can change on daily basis and as securities are valued
daily based on market prices assurance can not be given .
In a Debt Mutual Fund credit or default risk is
well taken care by ensuring money invested in good quality company . Yes there
can be interest rate risk ( Price of the debt securities can go up or down with
the decrease or increase in interest rate ) but investor worry is downside risk ( market value of security going
down ) only when interest rate rises .
If interest rate rises and you are in Fixed
Deposit non cumulative option you don’t gain as your interest rate was fixed . When
interest rate fall there also you don’t lose for same reason . If bank has
assured of 7% per annum return on 3 year deposit then if next year interest
rate changes to 6% or 8% you get the same 7% in a fixed interest Fixed Deposit But
in Debt Mutual Fund if interest rate rises the market value of debt securities
go down but at the same time the coupon interest earned can be reinvested at a
higher rate . In case in Debt Mutual
Fund if interest rate falls the market value of debt securities goes up but at
the same time the coupon interest earned can be reinvested at a lower rate . So we see that some portion of rise
and fall gets nullified by fund manager in Debt Mutual Fund.
What could be interest rate movement in short
term is not a big puzzle so in a Debt Mutual Fund the Fund Manager is well
aware of possible move and protects the portfolio market value in case of
uprise in interest rate by either going for floating rate debt securities or
more allocations in short term debt securities as there the fall is lesser
compared to long term debt securities . In case he expects lowering of interest
rate then he will have more allocations in long term debt securities as there
the rise in market price is higher than
compared to short term debt securities .
A contra judgement on interest rate movement can
only lead to large loss which is a very very rare possibility . In probability
terms it can be 1% whereas 99% times judgement is right which can be validated
by historical data last 5 decades of MF
One fear in the mind of investor could be safety
of capital. What if a company which was good ( profitable ) when invested
became bad ( non profitable ) later on . One major difference between bank or
any Fixed Deposit is that the money given to company as loan get struck up till
maturity whereas in Debt Mutual Fund the money invested in tradeable security .
The research wing keeps monitoring the financials , operation and management of
the company where invested and if they get any negative feeling the fund
manager sells those debt securities much
before the market realises , thereby avoiding creating of any NPA in the fund
portfolio . Again historical data are there for cross checking .
In Fixed Deposit you get a fixed return but Debt
Mutual Fund you get fixed return plus there is scope of capital appreciation .
Regular / periodic income earned in Fixed
Deposit is called Interest whereas the same in Debt Mutual Fund is called
Dividend . Dividend is tax free in the hand of investor whereas interest income
are taxable . Fixed Deposit has TDS but
there is no TDS in Debt Mutual Fund.
Interest in Fixed Deposit is fully taxable .
Bank deduct TDS @ 10% initially but the whole interest income to be taxed as
per income slab whereas dividend is tax free in the hand of investor . Its only
the Dividend Distribution Tax which on
the gross dividend is much less ( approx 28.33 % of gross dividend in case of
individual ) .
There is no capital gain in case of Fixed
Deposit so no tax . In case of Debt Mutual Fund if redeemed before 3 years the
gain is taxed as per marginal tax bracket where investor lies . For a period
more than 3 year Debt Mutual Fund gives better return net of tax as there is
indexation benefit which is not in Fixed Deposit. Here the gain is taxed @ 20%
with indexation benefit . In Fixed Deposit you get he same principal back in
notional term but in fact it is less as inflation has reduced the real value .
In Debt Mutual Fund you are compensated for loss due to inflation due to
indexation benefit .
In a Debt Mutual Fund you have a flexibility of
managing your cash flow need either through dividend option or partial
withdrawal as and when you want or through Systematic Withdrawal Plan if the
requirement is periodic and fixed . You can stop SWP any time, change the
amount any time. In Fixed Deposit withdrawal
allowed but again not with so flexibility or ease .
You have easy flexibility to move from debt to equity and vice versa through Systematic
Transfer Plan in case you want to take advantage of equity market or protect
your investment value if equity not doing well whereas not possible frequently and
with ease in Fixed Deposit.